SOME ENCHANTED EVENING The Golden Age of Musical Comedy Once upon a time, before the Concept Musicals of Stephen Sondheim and the Pop Operas of Andrew Lloyd Webber, Musical Comedy ruled Broadway. Each season, the Great White Way was chockfull of musicals that swept audiences into a magical world of zany characters in joyful plots, all wrapped up in sumptuous productions that featured...
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ANYONE CAN WHISTLE THE MUSICAL THEATRE OF STEPHEN SONDHEIM In December 2021, the lights of Broadway were dimmed in honor of the passing of a giant of the American Musical Theatre: Stephen Sondheim. Sondheim was the most influential composer-lyricist of the last half of the 20th Century. Mentored by Oscar Hammerstein II, he revolutionized Musical Theatre, creating the Concept Musical. ...
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AND THE BEAT GOES ON . . . THE SAGA OF TELEVISION AND AMERICAN ROCK AND ROLL From Doo-Wop to Disco, American Rock and Roll was the soundtrack of the lives of Post World War II teenagers who moved and grooved to a new sound that roared out of radios and television sets. Rock and Roll was the first popular music to define a specific age group who were ready to Shake, Rattle and Roll!...
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Another Op’nin’ Another Show!The Saga of the American Musical Theatre In 2020, for the first time in the history of the Great White Way, Broadway went dark and the theatres closed. Broadway Times Square Times Square Times Square There is a legend that every performer leaves a bit of themselves on those magical stages. As the lights of Broadway went out, the spirits of all the...
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DANCE FEVER!The Hollywood Dance Machine Dance Fever! celebrates the greatest dance sequences in the history of the Hollywood Movie Musical. For almost 100 years, the Hollywood Dream Machine showcased the greatest dancers of the 20th Century, who fired the imagine of audiences who sat in the dark, watching celluloid images leap and spiral on the silver screen. Dance Fever! explores...
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